Shop for Books by Alice Smith

Three Books & Coloring Book + Stuffed Barracuda

Alice Smith Full Collection



Full Collection of all Alice Smith Work

Full Collection plus Fish ID



Scuba Zak Meets Thaddeus the Barracuda

Scuba Zak discovers a friend when he meets Thaddeus, a creature with fins.

Alice Cypress Full Collection

Starting at $14.95


Scuba Zak Searches for Thaddeus the Barracuda

Scuba Zak returns to find a friend and prepare to dive at the west end.

Alice Cypress Full Collection

Starting at $14.95

Multi Book Orders Available

Kobe, The Dog Boy

Yes, dogs do talk! Well, at least Kobe does. Now how do you explain that to the neighbors?

Alice Smith Full Collection

Starting at $9.95



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"Sofia the Nurse Shark"

In the turquoise water in the Florida Keys lives a beautiful coral reef that's home to a Nurse Shark name Sofia.

Sofia the Nurse Shark
"Sofia the Nurse Shark
is the latest in the
Alice Smith Collection"

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Explore Sofia the Nurse Shark

Scuba Zak Searches for Thaddeus Coloring Book

Scuba Zak returns to find a friend and prepare to dive at the west end.

Alice Cypress Full Collection

Starting at $1.50

Multi Book Orders Available

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"Stuffed Barracuda Thaddeus"

Stuffed Thaddeus Barracuda

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"Faith the Flounder"

Faith is Sofia's best friend!

Faith the Flounder

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